All News.
Rural Social Scheme Review launch welcomed
Galway Rural Development (GRD) has welcomed the publication of a review of the Rural Social Scheme (RSS).
Headford on the Double
Headford took the plaudits at the Digital Towns Awards in Athlone as they picked up the runners up award in two categories.
Roche invites Taoiseach to GRD Anniversary
Chairperson of Galway Rural Development, Cllr Pete Roche, has invited An Taoiseach Simon Harris to their headquarters at Mellows Campus this summer to mark the local development company’s 30th anniversary
Glorious news for Glenamaddy...
€4m of funding from the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) announced for Glenamaddy Community Area Development
Galway win at National Community and Council Awards
GRD and partners win at National Community and Council Awards
Backing BIA Innovator...
Galway Rural Development announced last week that they are placing six Community Employment (CE) participants into the BIA Innovator Campus in a variety of roles.
New ‘Work-Ability’ Programme for Co Galway
New ‘Inclusive Pathways to Employment’ programme titled Work-Ability announced.
Mental Health Success in Glenamaddy
“Seen But not Herd” Mental Health Success in Glenamaddy
Galway wins at National Age Friendly Awards
GRD and partners win National Age Friendly Award
GRD Launch a Community Survey for the New LEADER Programme
GRD Launch a Community Survey for the New LEADER Programme
GRD mark Launch of Irish Language Plan during Seachtain na Gaeilge
GRD launches Irish Language plan during Seactain na Gaeilge
Headford confirmed as a ‘Smart Village’
The MEP Maria Walsh has officially launched Smart Villages Headford.
“Make the Link” is back!
Galway Rural Development, GRETB and the Department of Social Protection are joining forces to put together a series of FREE information events called “Make the Link” that will showcase education and training courses available in your local area
LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB OR A CAREER CHANGE? Are you looking for a job opportunity in County Galway? If so, feel free… https://t.co/7Jap4IyvYD
New #GRDAppointments We are proud to announce two new #SICAP appointments - Anastasiia Semkiv as Ukrainian Support… https://t.co/TT086hDb7c
Always great to visit the gentlemen in #Loughrea Men's Shed and catch up with them. Pictured today were PJ McDonnel… https://t.co/l9Nzy6p83o
VACANCIES - Bia Innovator Campus We have CE vacancies based in the @bia_innovator Campus. The job descriptions can… https://t.co/6ip0xfa6Hr
VACANCIES - @ParentChildPlus Ballinasloe We are expanding the ParentChild+ programme in Ballinasloe and we are seek… https://t.co/3K1LJAJyPA
RT @gtmtrav: ✨Congratulations to 'Ballinasloe Traveller Women's Group' for hosting a @hellohowareumhi Coffee morning & bake sale… https://t.co/cUV4AKwd3G