Tús Scheme
Tús, the Gaelic/Irish word for ‘start’ was established in 2011.
The Tús scheme aims to give unemployed people the ‘start’ needed to help them on their return to employment.
To apply you must be:
On Jobseeker's Allowance (for at least 12 months)
On a Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment
On Disability Allowance from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
What is Tús:
Tús is a community work placement scheme. It provides short-term work experience for unemployed people. This also benefits the community.
The type of work placement we offer:
Sales Assistant
Sports Ground Worker/Caretaker
Youth Worker
Day Care Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Village Maintenance
Kitchen Assistant
Heritage Assistant /Tour Guide
Childcare Assistant
Support Worker - Meals on Wheels
Bus Escort
Environmental Worker (Tidy Towns)
And many more.
Pictured above is Milahy Gajdics who works in Tuam Social Services providing Meals on Wheels.
GRD Tús participant, Thomas Creaven, working on creating an educational children’s animation for Green Sod Ireland.
Working conditions:
You work 19 ½ hours a week and the placement lasts 12 months. You get the same statutory annual leave and public holiday entitlement as other employees.
You can take up other employment provided it does not interfere with the work and times of the Tús placement.
Rates of pay:
The minimum weekly payment for participants (based on 19.5 hours worked) is €259.50.
If your payment is higher than the basic social welfare rate, you will receive a top-up of €27.50 on top of your current rate.
You will keep any extra benefits and your medical card, provided you are still eligible.
If you need childcare to allow you to participate in the Tús scheme, you may be eligible for the National Childcare Scheme (NCS).
How to apply:
Contact your local Tús supervisor click HERE for the link
For further information contact: