Rural Social Scheme (RSS)
The Rural Social Scheme (RSS) provides a supplementary, stable income for farmers and fishermen/women who are unable to earn enough income from their farms or from fishing. In return, those participating on the scheme work for 19.5 hours per week providing services that benefit their local communities.
GRD’s RSS team, of nearly 220 participants and 9 supervisors, provides supports to local community organisations in a range of areas across the east of the county.
Under the RSS and Tús schemes, supervisors work closely with local community organisations to identify and meet their needs and coordinate the work carried out by participants. Participants on these schemes work with local community organisations in a range of areas including village enhancement and Tidy Towns projects, landscape and pitch maintenance for sporting bodies such as local GAA and soccer clubs. They also help to maintain biodiversity areas in parks, walkways and woodlands. Participants on both schemes also provide social care, for example, with the Brothers of Charity, Ability West and Meals on Wheels. They also give administrative support to organisations in areas such as research, cultural and heritage projects like graveyard mapping, historical book writing and retail support in charity shops.
To take part in the scheme, participants must be part of an active farming or fishing family and be in receipt of a means tested payment such as Jobseekers Allowance or Farm Assist.
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