Social Enterprise
What is a Social Enterprise?
A social enterprise is an enterprise whose objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather than maximising profit for its owners or shareholders. It pursues its objectives by trading on an ongoing basis through the provision of goods and/or services, and by reinvesting surpluses into achieving social objectives. It is governed in a fully accountable and transparent manner and is independent of the public sector. If dissolved, it should transfer its assets to another organisation with a similar mission.
Government of Ireland (2019), National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022
Support for Social Enterprises - SICAP
Under SICAP GRD aims to support the development of new and existing social enterprises through:
awareness raising and the promotion of social enterprise activity.
information, training and mentoring to assist the development of sustainable services.
small-scale grants to assist social enterprises to establish or expand.
networking events to provide opportunities for social enterprises to both network and increase their profile.