LEADER Programme
The LEADER programme (an acronym in French meaning Links between actions for the development of the rural economy) is a European Union initiative to support rural development projects initiated at the local level in order to revitalise rural areas and create jobs.
It is part of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) for Ireland 2023 - 2027 and funded in part through the Common Agricultural Policy and national exchequer. It was first introduced in 1991 in response to the failure of traditional, top-down policies to address problems faced by many rural areas in Europe. Through its ‘bottom up’ framework, the LEADER Programme now supports the delivery of local development actions which address the overarching needs of rural communities across the European Union (EU) in an innovative, integrated and inclusive manner.
LEADER 2023 – 2027 will continue to focus on supporting communities and small-scale innovative enterprises across East Galway. East Galway has been allocated €4,113,204.75 in funding for projects across the life of the LEADER 2023- 2027. Galway Rural Development has successfully administered LEADER in East Galway since 1994 and will continue to work with communities and enterprises through LEADER 2023- 2027. Sustainability and environmental benefit will be strong focuses of the next programme.
Economic Development and Job Creation
The Green Economy
Agricultural Diversification
Rural Tourism and Recreation
Enterprise Development
Rural Food Production
Social, Community and Cooperative Enterprises
The Themes of LEADER 2023- 2027:
Rural Infrastructure and Social Inclusion
Rural Infrastructure
Accessible Services
Optimising Digital Connectivity
Rural Youth
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Sustainable Development of Rural Development
Climate Change Capacity Building
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Pictured, clockwise are Anna Slattery from the Dunmore Playground Committee and Claire Conroy (GRD); David Walsh, Frank Keane (GRD), Oliver Murray and (front) Gerry Galvin and Jimmy Noone of the Mountbellew Walled Garden; Claire Conroy with Teresa Roche of Kylemore Farmhouse Cheese; and work at Moanbaun Sports Complex.
If you have a proposed project that you wish to fund through LEADER the first step is to complete an Expression Of Interest form. This form can be located at the bottom of this page. Once GRD receives a complete expression of interest programme we will contact you to discuss the proposed project and advance it should it be eligible for funding.
How To Apply
Submitting an Expression of Interest Form is the first step in making an application. Contact the LEADER Team by email: leader@grd.ie