Abdulwahed’s Story
Abdulwahed Zayied joined the CE Scheme in May 2021. He is from Libya and speaks the Arabic language with very little English. Part of my role as CE Supervisor is to create an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for each participant on the programme. It was more difficult with Abdulwahed due to the language barrier.
I made contact with Freeda Garman Education Officer to enquire about funding to cover the cost to translate the relevant Risk Assessments & Method Statements to the Arabic language as safety is paramount at all times on the scheme. The SICAP Programme provided the funds and to follow on from that I was able to get the English version I had at hand translated to Arabic within a week and it brought much joy to Abdulwahed to be included as part of the team.
Furthermore, under the CE operating rules a participant can get up to 3 years on the programme provided they engage in QQI training with the aim to reach a Major Award. Abdulwahed completed the Safe Handling of Pesticides QQI Level 5 with the support of an Interpreter. I sourced the Interpreter and SICAP part funded the cost. Abdulwahed was eager to continue with further training and he also completed the mandatory training course Workplace Safety QQI Level 4 with a Distinction. There was no further funding available through SICAP for an Interpreter and therefore I asked his wife Jamilla to assist on this occasion as she speaks English.
Abdulwahed looks after the maintenance for Craughwell Tidy Towns. The photo shows him admiring his paint work and he is now attending English classes as part of his ILP.