Galway Online Community Radio
About Us
Galway Online Community Radio (GoCom Radio) aims to give ethnic minorities a voice through active online community radio. CoCom Radio aims to give ethnic minorities a voice in Irish media and produce content around issues that affect ethnic minorities. The vision of this project is to unite the community without discriminations and promote cultural values through indigenous languages of ethnic minorities.
We commenced broadcast with indigenous music on January 1, 2021. Programming operation starts in July 2021. We broadcast every Monday to Sunday 10am to 7pm and play indigenous music from 7pm to 10am
Amdalah Africa Foundation (AMDAF) is a not-for-profit registered charity organisation. AMDAF envisions a future where women of African descent and their families enjoy equal opportunities and are not judged based on race or gender.
Our vision is that every family is recognised without discrimination, respected and treated justly. Our mission is to contribute to the protection and promotion of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of women of African descent and their families.
We need volunteers in broadcast and marketing so please contact us if you would like to get involved.
Contact Details
Address: 3 The Plaza Offices, Headford Road, Galway
Phone: 089-9541768
Website: GoCom Radio
Social: Visit Twitter